FREDERIKSGADE 1 is a house where community and synergy goes hand in hand with the ambition to enhance the natural networking opportunities that arise from being under the same roof. The house is an international window out to the world at large, where Danish art, craft and design excellence finds a convincing platform to expose its continued allure.

The design house FREDERIKSGADE 1 frames Danish design. We provide a framework for communication, exposure and presentation of historical and iconic furniture designers as well as contemporary design brands and talents. A unified narrative where each exhibitor presents an individual story in a larger context, thereby writing a new and relevant chapter in Danish design history together.


The design house FREDERIKSGADE 1 is situated on a Classicist square whose history presents itself in every meticulous detail of the high ceilings, staircases and walls of our elegant spaces. The building was ordered by the merchant C. F. Tietgen and raised at the end of the 1880s. Framing the corner of Store Kongensgade and Frederiksgade, the square lies at the heart of historic Frederiksstaden in central Copenhagen, where the grand Marble Church meets the newly opened metro station at its base. Moving through the building, one senses the past’s grandeur as well as a new story being written.

Vores mission

Missionen for Designhuset FREDERIKSGADE 1 er at medvirke til dannelse af fællesskaber i designmiljøet i og uden for FREDERIKSGADE 1, med henblik på at fællesskabet bl.a. kan medvirke til forretningsmæssige synergier til fordel for flest mulige. Desuden er missionen at markedsføre os sammen og hver for sig på vores fælles internationale markedsplatforme, dels FREDERIKSGADE 1´s hjemmeside og Instagramprofil og dels gennem afholdelse af fælles events.

Vores vision

Visionen for Designhuset FREDERIKSGADE 1 er at blive et internationalt epicenter for design på højt niveau. Et epicenter, hvor stadig flere internationalt førende designere, up and coming designere, designinstitutioner, designproducenter og arkitekter mødes og holder til. Vi ønsker også at blive et epicenter for pressefolk og potentielle samarbejdspartnere, herunder stylister og markedsføringsvirksomheder, inden for design. Sidst, men ikke mindst, er det vores vision med vores dynamiske udstillinger at tiltrække et købestærkt publikum.


The square at Frederiksgade is home to the Holger Kvist Fund and the design house FREDERIKSGADE 1, both working to promote Danish design. The fund is responsible for the physical and architectural framework, while FREDERIKSGADE 1 preserves the particular spirit of and synergy between the regular exhibitors inhabiting the showrooms and studios. Exhibitors are chosen on the basis of their focus on quality, ambition and ability to take part in and live up to the design house’s fundamental values of diversity and interaction .

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